Wild Alaskan Salmon, Black Cod and Tuna

Why is Alaskan Seafood the Best in the World

Six reasons to help you understand why Alaskan seafood is the best seafood in the world.

The quality of seafood pulled from Alaska’s waters are of the highest quality and second to none. The icy cold waters of the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea are thousands of miles away from large sources of pollution that contaminate other fishing grounds. A combination of these great distances and the earth’s natural air and water circulation patterns keep Alaska’s waters among the cleanest in the world.

IQF (Individually Quick Frozen)
IQF means Alaskan seafood is flash frozen as soon as it is pulled from the water. The freshness, flavour, and texture are locked in allowing you to keep your seafood fresh for many months. ‘Fresh’ fish can take days to get from the water to your dinner plate. Unless you sling the fish onto the grill while it's still on the hook you cannot guarantee its freshness. IQF maintains the quality of the fish once it has been pulled from the water.

Alaskan salmon, black cod, a wide variety of whitefish and crab from Alaska are loaded with high levels of Omega-3. Not only is this essential oil beneficial to your heart and brain, it has also proven to strengthen your immune system, vision, nerve cells and your gums. Simply observe the extraordinary health and longevity of people from countries who consume seafood as a mainstay of their diet to convince yourself of the benefits.

Wild Caught
Wild-caught vs. farmed? This is an issue that has become more and more prevalent in recent years, especially within health and environmentally conscious communities. Much has been written about the toxins found in farmed salmon and fish. Fish farms were banned in Alaska in 1989 to help preserve wild stocks and protect the commercial fishing industry.

Eco Friendly
While not all fish farms are at fault, a large number of fish are being farmed irresponsibly in Vietnam, Canada, and Norway. Toxins, pesticides, and other chemicals are used to raise the farmed fish. These farms pollute the waters with chemicals, diseases, and viruses destroying the wild fish population. It is well documented that open-net fish farms create ocean dead zones and kill wild salmon.

Alaska is world renowned for its fisheries management. According to the latest yearly ‘Report on the Status of the US Fisheries,’ published by the National Marine Fisheries Service, no Alaska salmon or bottom fish (ground fish) is classified as over fished. An example of this effective management is evident with the salmon harvest being well beyond historical levels for more than three decades. Alaska’s fisheries will ensure abundant fish for generations to come.