SuperFood: Celery

SuperFood: Celery

Celery is an important source of antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene, but it’s the phytonutrients in it that make it a standout vegetable. The phytonutrients in celery have been found to prevent inflammatory reactions in the digestive tract and play a vital role in preventing unwanted inflammation in the rest of the body. The pectin-based polysaccharides in celery have also been shown to decrease risk of stomach ulcers and may potentially decrease the risk of cardiovascular inflammation. And if you need to be further convinced to add a healthy helping of celery to your regular diet, bear in mind that celery accounts for 7 per cent of all flavonol and flavone antioxidants in the diet of adults in China. In other words, it’s an important component of the Chinese diet with is considered antioxidant rich and provides anti-inflammatory health benefits. 

Select celery that is tight and compact, with green leaves. The stalks should be crisp and ought to snap easily. Don’t waste the leaves. They contain the most vitamin C, calcium and potassium. Enjoy celery raw in salads, slaws or juices. It’s also a classic aromatic added to stews alongside onions and carrots, and is delicious tossed into soup or a quick stir-fry.

Organic celery is available at SuperNature Forum and online.