

Probiotics (good bacteria) promote digestive health. Consuming them can reduce harmful bacteria in the gut, prevent infections in the digestive tract and reduce inflammation. Probiotics enable our digestive systems to function better, helping us to better metabolise food, protecting us from harmful bacteria, and potentially even helping to prevent obesity. Consuming probiotics can lower bad cholesterol and they have been used to treat diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, as well as allergies. It is also used to boost the immune system. This latest study reveals that they can also impact how our brains function as well.

Sources of probiotics include yoghurt, kefir, cheese, sourdough, miso, kimchi, pickles and sauerkraut. When choosing a probiotic supplement, pick the right strain for your needs. For example, the bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri and the yeast Saccharomyces boulardii are helpful for treating infectious diarrhea in children. It is important to ensure that the organisms are live (that the supplement essentially contains ‘live active culture’).

It is important to note that prebiotics (non-digestible carbohydrates or dietary fibre) feed probiotics, encouraging growth and activity of healthy bacteria. Both work hand in hand to promote gut health. Prebiotics can be found in vegetables such as onions, Jerusalem artichokes, jicama (bang kwang), burdock, leeks and asparagus as well as fruits like apples and bananas. They are also present in most foods high in fiber such as wholegrain bread, oats and barley. They are also added to many food products including bread, cereal, yoghurt and flavoured water.

A range of organic fresh produce and products containing probiotics and prebiotics is available at SuperNature Forum and online.