The Pros and Cons of Takeaways

The Pros and Cons of Takeaways

Contributed by SuperNature

While all of us are staying at home during this time of uncertainty, takeaway and delivery meals can help us retain a sense of normalcy in our day-to-day lives. We’re able to enjoy the restaurant dishes we love and might otherwise miss - less the social-distancing concerns. But craving satisfaction aside, what are the pros and cons of regularly indulging in ordered meals for our lifestyles, bodies and planet? Here are a few viewpoints to keep in mind as you evaluate your overall meal choices.



The number one advantage of takeaway and delivery meals is convenience. Simply put, we spend less time planning, grocery shopping and prepping food. This benefit alone can transform a day from unbearable to manageable.


The ability to select from a full menu from a range of eateries can help diversify our diet. If we intentionally vary our choices, we expose our systems to a wider array of nutrients and can meet the full scope of our dietary needs



While a number of earth-conscious restaurants are adopting sustainable packaging, not all eateries are onboard. When opting for delivery or takeaway, plastic cutlery, boxes and branded paper or plastic bags are far from ‘green’. When ordering takeaways, try to bring your own containers.

Lack of Nutritional Control

A handful of establishments denote healthier selections or include occasional descriptors like organic or free-range. However, for the most part, what we receive in our takeaway container is something of a mystery and entirely out of our control.


Salt, sweeteners and fats are the universal flavour enhancers. As such, many chefs use them generously to boost the acceptance of their cuisine. While palates are pleased, bodies are not - as all of these are problematic to health, when consumed regularly or excessively.


The origin of the ingredients, especially animal products are not always listed on the menu. Are these sourced from farms that use antibiotics, hormones and conventional feeds? What is the quality grade for their meats, poultry, eggs and dairy? For omnivores mindful of unwanted extras and the overall integrity of their proteins, many restaurants present a sizable question mark.


Some restaurants’ portions are larger than what you would serve at home. Unfortunately, when served a larger meal, most consumers tend to eat everything on their plate or more than what fulfils their hunger pangs. Over time, these extra bites add up to extra weekly calories then extra kilos when stepping on the scale.