Thanksgiving Superfoods

Thanksgiving Superfoods

Contributed by Eve Persak, Nutrition Advisor, MS RD CNSC CSSD

Nothing heralds the arrival of the festive season like Brussels sprouts, pumpkins and turkeys.

More than just staple Fall ingredients, don’t overlook the potential health benefits that these superfoods bring to the Thanksgiving table. Here’s why you should fill your plates with these healthful ingredients and some tips on how to get the most out of them:

Brussels Sprouts
Part of the cruciferous family of vegetables alongside broccoli and cabbage, Brussel sprouts are a good source of sulphur, vitamins C and K, fibre and protein.

Why it’s great for you

  • Supports the liver’s detoxification functions
  • Promotes bone health
  • Supports the immune system
  • Prolongs satiety after meals


Serve them lightly steamed as overcooking destroys the nutritious goodness, while eating them raw can cause gas.

An alternative to potatoes that’s lower in both calories and carbohydrates, this superfood is rich in carotenoids, a powerful antioxidant, as well as fibre.

Why it’s great for you

  • Maintains blood sugar levels
  • Promotes regularity
  • Supports eye health
  •  Protects cells from the damaging effects of free radicals

  • Serve with a bit of cold-pressed oil or organic butter to reap the benefits of fat-soluble vitamin A
  • Keep it healthy by baking or roasting instead of frying
  • Save the zinc-rich seeds for a healthful snack

This lean protein is loaded with B vitamins and all the essential amino acids, including tryptophan, which boosts the production of mood-lifting serotonin.

Why it’s great for you

  • Supports immune health
  • Promotes feelings of calmness and positivity
  • Keeps you satisfied for longer


  • Opt for organic, free-range or hormone-free when possible
  • Skip the skin and go for white meat if you’re keeping tabs on calories and fats