Little Freddie

Little Freddie

Made with premium ingredients sourced from the best organic farms in Europe, Little Freddie’s range of baby food has all the nutrients your baby needs - without the additives, preservatives or artificial colourings.

Developed by a nutritionist with the little ones’ healths in mind, Little Freddie’s products provide busy parents with a deliciously healthful yet fuss-free option to feed their precious tots.

Not sure where to start? Here are our recommendations:

Greek Style Yoghurt with Golden Delicious Apple – A perfect snack any time of the day, your mini me will love the natural sweetness of the apples and the creaminess of the protein-rich greek yoghurt!

Organic & Grain Porridge with Quinoa Puffs – Suitable for little tots aged six months and up, the mix of quinoa puffs and seven grains makes this a powerful package of protein, iron and potassium.

Atlantic Salmon and Vegetables – Omega-3 is absolutely essential for brain building, and enhancing vision and immunity. Your baby will benefit from the Omega-3 boost from this nutritious meal!

Plus, from now till February 20th 2017, purchase any three Little Freddie products to enjoy 10 per cent off*.


*Available in store and online, while stocks last. Other terms and conditions apply.